UZ Gent, Professor Boon runs a large sleep disorders and epilepsy clinic and the recently established Centre for Neurophysiological Monitoring (CNM), a 16-bed intensive monitoring unit for sleep and epilepsy performing 3500 polysomnographic examinations per year for patients with insomnia, hypersomnia and parasomnia. Moreover, 180 epilepsy video-EEG monitoring sessions, 15 invasive video-EEG sessions and 35 surgical procedures are performed on a yearly basis in patients with medically refractory epilepsy.

The main research interests of Professor Boon are clinical epilepsy, neurological sleep disorders, quantitative EEG and MEG analysis (including source localisation, detection and anticipation), neuromodulation and functional neuroimaging. Professor Boon also heads the Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Neurophysiology, Neurobiology and Neuropsychology (LCEN3) ( This experimental and translational research laboratory features different animal models for focal and generalized epilepsy and deals mainly with mechanisms-of-action-related research of pharmacological, neuromodulation and cell-therapy and neurogenesis-based therapies. Professor Boon has a longstanding experience with phase-2, -3 and -4 trials (GCP compliant).

He has published widely in peer reviewed international journals and presented his work in the field of epilepsy, neuropsychiatry and sleep worldwide (>600 publications; 300 full manuscript publications in A1 peer-reviewed international journals and 350 abstracts in international peer-reviewed journals). Paul Boon serves as a reviewer for numerous international peer-reviewed journals such as: Brain, the Lancet, Nature Neuroscience, Epilepsia, JNNP, Seizure, Plos One, EJNS, etc…

Boon is currently a member of the board of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), chairman of the EAN Programme Committee and a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Neurology.