Dr. Krook-Magnuson is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota in the Department of Neuroscience.  During her postdoctoral research in the lab of Ivan Soltesz, Dr. Krook-Magnuson helped develop and successfully implemented on-demand optogenetic approaches for inhibiting seizures in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.  Her current work extends these methods to better understand the disorder and identify novel therapeutic strategies.

Neuronal networks, diversity, and specificity of function are important to both physiological processes and neurological disorders, including epilepsy.  My laboratory seeks to improve our understanding of how cells interact within a network, how networks interact with each other, and the physiological roles of neuronal populations.  In this regard, key questions remain in epilepsy research, including what are the principal networks, conditions, and cell types involved in initiating, sustaining, propagating, terminating, and potentially suppressing, seizures.  By improving our understanding of these, we improve the prospects of someday reaching the goal of no seizures, no side effects, for all epilepsy patients.  My lab uses rodent models of neurological disorders, including temporal lobe epilepsy, and techniques including electrophysiology, optogenetics, immunocytochemistry, transgenic animals, and behavioral experiments to address these fundamental questions.



  • Zeidler Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Leintz C, Krook-Magnuson C, Netoff T, Krook-Magnuson E.Targeting the mouse ventral hippocampus in the intrahippocampal kainic acid model of temporal lobe epilepsy. eNeuro. 2018 Aug 8;5(4). pii: ENEURO.0158-18.2018.
  • Christenson Wick Z, Krook-Magnuson E. Specificity, versatility, and continual development: The power of optogenetics for epilepsy research. Front Cell Neurosci. 2018 Jun 14;12:151.
  • Krook-Magnuson E. Illuminating seizures: optogenetic approaches to studying networks in epilepsy. J Neurosci Res. 2017;95:2323-2324.
  • Yu W, Krook-Magnuson E. Targeting newly generated granule cells: A double-edged sword. Epilepsy Curr. 2017;17:121-123.
  • Krook-Magnuson E, Gelinas J, Soltesz I, Buzsaki G. Neuroelectronics and bio-optics: Closed-loop technologies in neurological disorders. JAMA Neurology. 2015 Jul 1;72(7):823-9.
  • Christenson Wick Z, Leintz CH, Xamonthiene C, Huang BH, Krook-Magnuson E. Axonal sprouting in commissurally projecting parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. J. Neurosci Res. 2017;95:2336-2344.
  • Zeidler Z, Krook-Magnuson E. One site to rule them all: toward a master regulator of ictal activity. Epilepsy Curr. 2016;16:325-326.
  • Nagaraj V, Lee S, Krook-Magnuson E, Soltesz I, Benquet P, Irazoqui P, Netoff T. Future of seizure prediction and intervention: Closing the loop. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2015;32(3):194-206.
  • Krook-Magnuson E, Armstrong C, Bui A, Lew S, Oijala M, Soltesz I. In vivo evaluation of the dentate gate theory in epilepsy. J Physiol. 2015;593:2379-2398.
  • Krook-Magnuson E, Soltesz I. Beyond the hammer and the scalpel: selective circuit control for the epilepsies.” Nat Neurosci. 2015;18:331–338.
  • Krook-Magnuson E, Szabo G, Armstrong C, Oijala M, Soltesz I. Cerebellar directed optogenetic intervention inhibits spontaneous hippocampal seizures in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy eNeuro 2014;1(1). pii: e.2014.
  • Krook-Magnuson E, Ledri M, Soltesz I, Kokaia M. How might novel technologies such as optogenetics lead to better treatments in epilepsy? Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;813:319-36.
  • Armstrong C, Krook-Magnuson E, Oijala M, Soltesz I. Closed-loop optogenetic intervention in mice. Nat Protoc. 2013;8(8):1475-1493.