2022 Neuromodulation: The Science Conference Call for Abstracts
Submissions are OPEN for abstracts to be considered for posters and oral presentations.
Abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Priority for oral presentations will be given to the best abstracts submitted early.
Final Deadline: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 by 11:59 PM PST

Important Deadlines
- Abstract Submission: Now – December 21, 2021 by 11:59 pm PDT
- Results: Monday, January 24, 2022
- Posters Due: January 25 – February 14, 2022
- ePosters Posted: February 18, 2022
- Neuromodulation the Science Conference: February 28 – March 2, 2022
Through a partnership with the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), conference abstracts will be eligible for publication in Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface.
In accordance with the INS’s endorsement policy for external events and publications, all abstracts will adhere to the following:
- Abstracts will be scientific and evidence-based, and presenters will remain scientific and objective in their conclusions.
- As is possible, generic terms for products, techniques, and procedures should be employed. Abstracts must not include company or product promotional content.
- The Neuromodulation: The Science scientific committee will review abstracts, mitigate any commercial biases, and resolve any conflicts of interest.
- The Neuromodulation editorial staff will review the abstracts for commercial bias prior to publication.
Through a partnership with the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), conference abstracts will be eligible for publication in Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface.
In accordance with the INS’s endorsement policy for external events and publications, all abstracts will adhere to the following:
- Abstracts will be scientific and evidence-based, and presenters will remain scientific and objective in their conclusions.
- As is possible, generic terms for products, techniques, and procedures should be employed. Abstracts must not include company or product promotional content.
- The Neuromodulation: The Science scientific committee will review abstracts, mitigate any commercial biases, and resolve any conflicts of interest.
- The Neuromodulation editorial staff will review the abstracts for commercial bias prior to publication.
General Information
Considerations for All Abstracts
There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit for consideration. However, multiple submissions of the same or nearly the same abstract by the same author(s)/institution(s) is grounds for rejection of all submitted abstracts from the submitting parties.
Abstracts submitted to, or presented at, other societies or national meetings may only be submitted for consideration if:
- The prior submission is not currently under review by the other organization;
- You have retained copyright authority vs. transferring copyright to the previous entity; and
- You disclose prior publication as part of the abstract, as this must be considered in scoring abstracts.
All recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients.
All submissions must be HIPAA-compliant. Patient confidentiality must be protected. No names, hospital ID numbers, or any other identifying information can appear in your work.
All scientific research referred to, reported, or used in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
Employees and owners of companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients are encouraged to submit “poster-only” abstracts. Posters are not part of the CME-certified content and are a great way to convey the latest research and developments.
A presenter is not to receive financial support in conjunction with their presentation(s), except from their employer.
In submitting an abstract, all authors retain copyright to the content and agree to grant Neurovations Education a limited, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to present, reproduce, or create derivative works of the content online, in print, and in other media or publications associated with its educational programs, and to archive and distribute the content online and in other means.
Reviewer scores and comments are confidential and will not be made available to anyone (including authors) outside of the immediate review process.
Bias in favor of a particular product or company is grounds for rejection. Use of a particular company’s products or equipment in itself does not represent bias. Likewise, research involving a single method, drug, or device would not constitute bias if it conforms to best practices of study design and analysis. Non data-driven statements of superiority, however, would be considered biased.
By virtue of submitting the abstract, the submitting author verifies that all authors agree:
- to the submission of the abstract to the Neuromodulation: the Science Conference
- that the abstract constitutes an original work
- that copyright permissions have been secured (as necessary) for included material
- the abstract includes valid, accurate, and balanced content
- that content may be published in Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
- to grant Neurovations Education (Neurovations) and other entities – e.g. contractors or broadcasters – as Neurovations may designate, the right to reproduce, stream, distribute, display, and provide the abstract, in whole or in part, as well as accompanying works including but not limited to associated posters, in any and all media or form of communication whether now existing or hereafter developed. Authors also grant Neurovations and its agents the right to transcribe, publish, edit, distribute, sell or otherwise disseminate the works, in part or in whole, alone or as part of a compilation, and/or make derivatives works of it at Neurovations’ discretion without additional approval from authors, in whole or in part, throughout the world, in perpetuity, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present their work, if accepted.
A presenting author of each abstract must register for the 2022 Neuromodulation: the Science Conference. Submission of an abstract does not automatically register you for the conference.
If selected, your Poster is expected to reflect the contents of your abstract. Substantial deviation from the published abstract or failure to present may jeopardize acceptance for future abstracts.
Nothing in this authorization constitutes an affirmative o